PepTalk 2020 – Protein Science Week

CovalX will be attending the 19th annual PepTalk 2020 – Protein Science Week conference hosted by Cambridge Health Institute (CHI). The event will be held at Hilton San Diego Bayfront, San Diego, CA on January 20th – 24th, 2020.

It is the largest gathering of protein science researchers in the world. Its agenda covers from training seminars, short courses, buzz sessions, keynote speakers to networking and social events. The programs include topics in protein engineering & development, antibody therapeutics, cell & gene therapies, analytics & impurities and more. It will be a great chance to learn and discover new opportunities, apply different solutions and develop a promising partnership.

It is our pleasure to be a part of this event and present our expertise in protein interaction analysis, protein aggregation analysis and epitope mapping by mass spectrometry.

Please let us know if you are available to connect during the conference at Booth 420. Our scientific team will be there to answer any of your questions regarding protein analytical services. Contact us at, +1(617) 297 2263, or