Shimadzu and CovalX have partnered to offer the ultimate MALDI solution for ultra-high-mass applications. For over a decade, CovalX has provided the most sensitive equipment for large molecule detection by MALDI mass spec. With a focus on protein interactions, CovalX offers you the most advanced tools.
CovalX, together with Shimadzu is excited to showcase the latest development in MALDI mass spectrometry with the OMEGA TΩF, a benchtop MALDI TOF featuring the latest high-mass detection capabilities.
This presentation will highlight the ease of use and unique technology of the OmegaTΩF for the rapid analysis of large molecules and intact protein complexes.
The OMEGATOF instrument provides outstanding sensitivity for high-molecular-weight macromolecules. Large molecules and protein complex mixtures can now be analyzed with the highest sensitivity and lowest saturation levels.
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