CovalX recently installed a first HM3 High-Mass system in Spain, in the laboratory of the biotechnology company Araclon, located in Zaragoza.
The HM3 system was mounted on an ABSciex 4800 MALDI ToF ToF mass spectrometer and will be dedicated to the analysis of high molecular weight macromolecules and complexes including KLH.
The team of Dr. Jose Antonio Allue successfully performed the first ultra- high-mass MALDI measurement in its laboratory: “The HM3 High Mass Detector has allowed us to characterize very high molecular weight (several hundreds of kDa) complexes in a question of minutes from sample preparation to final results. It has become a fundamental tool in our R&D activities involving KLH (Keyhole Lympet Hemocyanin) as the carrier protein in experimental immunization protocols”