Shinji Saito, Tadaki Suzuki, Hasegawa Hideki, Chapter Aiuchi, Keiko Goto, Tomoki Ueno, and Rei Takaga
- Japan, headed by the National Institute of Infectious Diseases Research Institute Japan, Nippi Co., Ltd
Provided are: a polymeric IgA-type recombinant antibody; a medicine containing this polymeric IgA-type recombinant antibody as an active ingredient; a method for producing this polymeric IgA type antibody, the method including a step for coexpressing an IgA-type antibody heavy-chain protein, an antibody light-chain protein, an antibody J-chain protein, and a secretory component protein within a single cell; and a method for improving the antigen-binding activity or neutralizing activity of this antibody, the method including a step for making an antibody into a polymeric IgA-type.
CovalX Technology Used
To determine the molecular weights of the polymeric fraction components of IgA1 and IgA2m2, samples were analyzed using a mass spectrometer that had been equipped with a CovalX HM3 detection system. Analysis of the samples revealed molecular weights of 162.63 kDa for the monomer and 734.93 kDa for the tetramer. A peak of 576.82 kDa was also detected which was hypothesized to represent a trimer due to the mass difference from the tetramer. When the samples were stabilized with a crosslinking reagent, the tetramer peak increased while the monomer peak decreased.
Patent Number
WO2016/010161 A1