Polymeric IgA-Type Recombinant Antibody and Use Thereof



Shinji Saito, Tadaki Suzuki, Hasegawa Hideki, Chapter Aiuchi, Keiko Goto, Tomoki Ueno, and Rei Takaga


  1. Japan, headed by the National Institute of Infectious Diseases Research Institute Japan, Nippi Co., Ltd


Provided are: a polymeric IgA-type recombinant antibody; a medicine containing this polymeric IgA-type recombinant antibody as an active ingredient; a method for producing this polymeric IgA type antibody, the method including a step for coexpressing an IgA-type antibody heavy-chain protein, an antibody light-chain protein, an antibody J-chain protein, and a secretory component protein within a single cell; and a method for improving the antigen-binding activity or neutralizing activity of this antibody, the method including a step for making an antibody into a polymeric IgA-type.

CovalX Technology Used



To determine the molecular weights of the polymeric fraction components of IgA1 and IgA2m2, samples were analyzed using a mass spectrometer that had been equipped with a CovalX HM3 detection system. Analysis of the samples revealed molecular weights of 162.63 kDa for the monomer and 734.93 kDa for the tetramer. A peak of 576.82 kDa was also detected which was hypothesized to represent a trimer due to the mass difference from the tetramer. When the samples were stabilized with a crosslinking reagent, the tetramer peak increased while the monomer peak decreased.

Patent Number

WO2016/010161 A1

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