Epitope Mapping Service
Antibody drug with four drug compounds linked to IgG immunoglobulin

ICH Q6B Test Procedures And Acceptance Criteria For Biophysical Characterization

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ICH Q6B is a guideline developed by the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH). It focuses on the specification of test procedures and acceptance criteria for biotechnological/biological products. Accepted by FDA, EMeA, and Japanese regulatory agencies, this guideline details standards for biotechnological/biological products, including composition determination, physical properties, and structure of the therapeutic protein.


ICH Q6B Compliance Criteria
Structural Characterization and Confirmation:
  • Complete Amino Acid Sequencing
  • Amino Acid Composition
  • Peptide Map
  • Sulfhydryl Group(s) and Disulfide Bridges
  • Carbohydrate Structure
  • Monosaccharide Composition (Neutral and Amino Monosaccharides, Sialic Acid)
  • Oligosaccharide Linkage Patterns (Antennary Profile)
  • Glycosylation Sites of Polypeptide Chain
Physicochemical Properties:
  • Molecular Weight or Size
  • Isoform and Electrophoretic Pattern
  • Extinction Coefficient (or Molar Absorptivity)
  • Liquid Chromatographic Patterns
  • Spectroscopic Profiles
  • Truncated Forms
  • Other Modified Forms (Deamidated, Disulfide Scrambling, Oxidization, Glycosylation)
  • Aggregates (Thermal Stability)

Testing Procedures

CovalX provides comprehensive solutions for characterizing products in alignment with the ICH Q6B quality guidelines required for IND submission. Explore our offerings:


HydrogenDeuterium Exchange MS (HDXMS Epitope mapping / Conformational Analysis
Crosslinking MS (XLMS) Epitope mapping; provides both epitope and
paratope information
ImmunoprecipitationMS (IPMS) Protein ID; identify proteinprotein interactions
within cells
Peptide Mass Fingerprinting (PMF) Verifying known protein sequence
Post Translational Modifications (PTMs) Identification of post translational modifications on
the protein structure
Disulfide Bridge Mapping Identification of disulfide bonds present within a
protein sample
Free Sulfhydryl Analysis Identification of free sulfhydryls present within a
protein sample
Glycosylation sites Identification of glycosylation sites within a protein
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) Purity analysis; separates based on size
Reversephase HPLC Purity analysis; separates based on polarity
Circular Dichroism (CD) Determination of protein secondary structure features
MultiAngle Light Scattering (SECMALS) Identification of protein aggregates
Analytical Ultracentrifugation (AUC) Identification of protein aggregates
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) Determination of secondary structure in protein
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) Thermal stability of the protein
Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) Identification of protein aggregates
CationExchange Chromatography (CEXHPLC) Purity analysis; separates based on charge
Capillary Electrophoresis (CESDS) Purity analysis; separates based on size/charge
Capillary Isoelectric Focusing (cIEF) Purity analysis; separates based on isoelectric point
Surface Plasmon Resonance Analysis (SPR) Binding affinity analysis
Monosaccharide Composition Quantification of potential harmful monosaccharides
Oligosaccharide Linkage Patterns Identification of glycan structure
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